My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Just Say Yes


I say NO a-lot. And by a lot I mean All. The. Time. No is safe. No is non-committal.

Mom, can I have this candy after school?

NO. (you’ll ruin your dinner)

Mom, can we go swimming today?

NO. (I’m not bikini ready)

Hey, do you want to go to this big party where you won’t know a single person?


Ugh, I was a total No-No-Nancy and it was getting me down. I’m a positive person. I look at the bright side of most situations and try to learn and grow from them (even speeding tickets), be it good or bad so what’s with all the no-ing?

One word, CONTROL.

Yup, I am such a control freak that if my kids ask if they can eat a treat or watch a show, my instinct was to say no because it wasn’t MY idea. I want to be the “fun” mom who surprises the kids with a Hershey Kiss after a good piano practice and when they ask for it first, it takes away my control.

Sick, right?

Well you gotta give me some credit that I figured it out and I’ve changed my tune. Why can’t they have a treat once in a while? It’s not going to kill them. I put kale in their shakes for goodness sakes. Why can’t it be their idea to go swimming as a family on a weekend? Why can’t they suggest a movie to watch?

Come on lady, give it up.

I finally gave in to the power of Yes and not only are my kids happier but they feel in control more too.

I even made my mantra for my recent trip to Blissdom Canada, “just say yes“. I promised that I would open myself up to any and all opportunities, big or small. So when someone asked me if I wanted to talk about bums with Cottonelle, of course, I said YES. When someone asked me to drive to downtown Toronto alone, at night, to have dinner with a bunch of people I’ve never met, I said YES.  If I’m with my friends and someone hands me the microphone and asks me to sing a duet of Islands in the Stream, you bet your sweet ass, I say yes! And if you’re ever with me at a bar and your favourite song comes on, just ask me, I’ll boogie with you.

I’m not saying that you should let people take advantage of you by saying yes when someone asks you to do their homework or if they ask you do smoke crack but if they want you to open up to something new or interesting that otherwise you would shy away from, try saying yes instead.

Yes introduces you do new people.

Yes gets you new jobs.

Yes flies you to Vegas.

Yes makes you laugh.

Yes asks you on a date with the guy you’ll eventually marry!

What have you got to lose? Try it and see what happens.


  1. It’s okay to say “No.” Since you can’t really say “yes” all the time.
    James Robinson recently posted..My brand new blog homeMy Profile

  2. Magnolia says:

    I love that you figured this out!! It is about keeping total control when we micro manage everything. It is the best possible way to ensure kids rebel in heir teens. It creates fussy eaters too. They end up just trying to control something in the face of the “no”.
    I love all your yes success!!!!
    Magnolia recently posted..Insecurity – you can’t run, you can’t hideMy Profile

  3. YES!!! I so have to go down this road… tried it for awhile and everyone was a lot happier. Somehow as daily life crept in and caught up it became easier to slide back into the old ‘no’ pattern. Thank you for this reminder that yes is a pattern too!! 🙂
    Sheila @sZinteriors recently posted..Rosemary & Balsamic Roasted Veggies – Westernliving Style!My Profile

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