My Dirt
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Tooth Fairy Fails

Get ready friends, the tooth fairy fails and fails often. No, don’t try to judge our tooth fairy for sometimes always forgetting to come and take the tooth on the first night and maybe even the second night too. Sometimes it takes her a couple of nights to remember to fly in and change the water colour in the cup or reply to the note (in little itty bitty fairy hand writing) that was left for her or take the tooth and leave the money. What-evs. The tooth fairy is a very busy gal and really needs her beauty sleep, trust me!


You might think now that your kid is 6 or 7 years old that you can keep up with it forever but you can’t. Did you know that when kids get to be around 10, they start losing teeth 3 or 4 at a time? And when I say, at-a-time, I mean like 3 within the same week! It’s crazy. And if you multiply that by 2 or more kids, well, you get the picture.

So, since our tooth fairy is such a darn slacker, she’s had to come up with some pretty convincing reasons why she just couldn’t make it to our house.


Here’s why the tooth fairy fails to show up:

♥ Tooth fairy conference. She’s sitting in sessions to learn about tooth storage, how to manage her fairy dust supplies, inflation:the rising cost of teeth, etc.

♥ Fairy flu. Even the tooth fairy can get sick once in a while. Sometimes she just needs a day off to rest her wings.

♥ Missed message. Mommy forgot to send an email to the Fairy Foundation to notify her that we have a pick up pending. D-oh, my mistake.

♥ Fairy 911. She had to rush to the aide of a fairy in trouble who got trapped in a little boys room in New York, by the boys big fat cat Bozley. Yikes.

♥ National Fairy bank holiday. On all national holidays like Fairy Independence Day and Fairygiving Day the tooth banks are closed so there are no pick-ups.

♥ Sugar Bugs. The one thing that scares the tooth fairy is a big fat sugar bug. Those little, hairy, sticky bugs that cling to un-brushed teeth will scare the poor fairy away faster than you can say Colgate. You better brush and floss extra and see if she comes tomorrow night.

Luck for us the tooth fairy always comes…eventually. Which reminds me, I need to send our tooth fairy a note to let her know that my 10 year old is getting very smart and very sneaky. I heard that when she loses her next tooth she plans to keep it a secret from us parents and put that tooth under her pillow just to make sure that mommy and daddy aren’t interfering with official tooth fairy business.

As if we ever would 😉

Has your tooth fairy ever failed? What did you tell your kids?


  1. Lol.. I once.. I mean, the Tooth Fairy once wrote Beege a note explaining that she’d been swamped with teeth and just didn’t make it to end of the list (We’re in the T’s). There was also that time when she had to go double check her list because Beege wasn’t supposed to lose that tooth for at LEAST a week, and maybe Beege should refrain from opening milk with her teeth from now on.

    I like that conference idea though – I’ll keep it in mind for next time. 😉
    Jessica @ Just a Mum? recently posted..I’ll Take Good Care of You!My Profile

  2. Crystal says:

    The tooth fairy has definitely been several days tardy in her pick-ups here……I have just told the kids…. she must be very busy this week, it’s hard to keep up with all of the other kids in the world…..patience is a virtue….right?

  3. LOL awesome post! Wish I would have had this when my baby was at that stage! Too funny, love all of the reasons, my fave though… fairy independence day! Bahahahahaha
    Laurie@ Vin’yet Etc. recently posted..All I want for Christmas ~ Giveaway!My Profile

  4. Liz says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who forgets! 🙂
    Liz recently posted..Icebox CookiesMy Profile

  5. Heather says:

    This is an adorable post. A-dor-a-ble.
    Heather recently posted..Tech the Halls! Your Home Tech Gift Guide.My Profile

  6. We haven’t had any Tooth Fairy mishaps yet (fingers crossed) I’m sure it will happen though!

  7. Great ideas!! Our tooth fairy forgot once and I think I just muttered and grunted. I spend most of my time convincing the kids that they should keep their teeth in the tooth fairy pillow on their doorknobs rather than under their pillow.
    Tara (nerdgirlmom) recently posted..Christmas CrisisMy Profile

  8. Awww. The tooth fairy needs to catch up. LOL
    Brian Naennals recently posted..The reviewMy Profile

  9. Nicole Monroe says:

    TOOTHFAIRY FAIL Story!!!!!!!
    Josh woke me up and said the tooth fairy forgot😢!
    (I forgot to put the tooth fairy money in the pillow last night!!!!!!)
    So I told Josh that mommy was half sleep and took the 5 dollars out and put it in his bank for him.
    I told him to go get the bank and when he returned I had already replaced the money in the pillow. I told Josh the tooth fairy returned while he was gone. She poked me in the butt with her wand and fussed at me for me tampering with the pillow while she was working last night. She said she was so scared and startled that she left the money and forgot the tooth. She left more money and took the tooth after fussing at mama to keep the kid happy and so she wouldn’t be fired by the tooth fairy Queen! 😩
    SO I AM OUT OF 10.00 for ONE TOOTH!
    I’m sooooooo about to tell him the tooth fairy isn’t real but he is EXTREMELY happy about this story I told him and said this was the best tooth fairy visit EVER! 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😩😍
    Mom is broke and Child really happy!
    The End!!
    #WasAlwaysAGoodStoryTeller but

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