My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Take A Day Off

For the past 3 years my hubby and I have been trying to go snowboarding/skiing together for a day. Just 1 day. Alone. With no kids!

Finally, Thursday, we decided to take a day off and escape to the mountains. Play hooky if you will. The 2 older kids were at school all day (can you say free childcare?) and Gramma had the twins. Score! Off we went.


It was a beautiful spring day at Lake Louise and since the season is winding down this weekend, the mid week crowd was small, just the way I like it.

The 90 minute drive to and from the hill was almost as enjoyable as the hill itself. Uninterrupted conversation with a backdrop of mountains and blue sky. In 1 glorious day we were able to breathe fresh air, laugh out loud, sit in comfortable silence, hold hands and recharge our batteries.

Taking a day off never looked so good.

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