My Dirt
whipped shortbread

My Bliss List

Wow, all I can say is Wow!

I went to Toronto last week to attend my very first Blissdom Canada conference. I learned and loved and danced and laughed and cried (what else is new) and networked. And that’s what it’s all about. Being a blogger usually means that you sit alone in your kitchen with your lap top and pound out post after post without ever seeing or talking to another person face to face. It feels very vast but also very lonely. Blogging is not a team sport. Conferences are a way to connect and share with real live people. In the virtual world we’re known only as our avitars and blog titles but at conferences we are known as smiling faces and hugs and handshakes.

I’m still trying to digest all the information and file all that “stuff” in my head. I’m exhausted to be honest. I hit sessions, chatted with sponsors and danced my ass off. There is far too much to put in one post, we’d be here all day and ain’t nobody got time for that so instead, here’s a list of some of my favourite moments that happened at Blissdom 2013.


1) Jully Black! In a word, AH-MAZING! She took the stage under the stars and shook the heavens. Jully had emotion and soul and moves I’ve never seen before. And well, of course, I got on stage along with 2 of my friends, Pam and Sarah. Nothing beats a close encounter with rock star fame.Jully Black



2) Meeting the brands! The sponsors really outdid themselves at Blissdom. They had elaborate booths to showcase their products and entice us with goodies like cake pops and macaroons. They hosted lunches, snack breaks, shuttle rides and awesome parties. And at the end of a long 48 hours of intense conferencing we were treated to a party that included a spa! Cottonelle not only stocked the bathroom with their TP and cleansing wipes but also set up back massages, hand massages, paraffin dips and manicures to pamper us. Awesome, right?!




3) Just ask! I was just a little bit star struck as Erica Ehm took the stage to speak at the Power Hour talk. For those of you like me who grew up watching Much Music in the 80’s, you’re probably remembering her hair being as big as her personality. Well she didn’t disappoint. Although her hair is tamer she is fab with the mic. She told a great story about how she got her job at Much Music after she simply asked for it. “…and what did he say? No.” But she asked again and asked what she could do to change his answer and eventually, she got a YES! Simple and brilliant. Just ask!

Erica Ehm



And that’s only 3, I could go on all day. So hey, next time I say to you, “hey you wanna come with me to Blissdom?” You should just say YES, because like Erica Ehm, I’ll keep asking!



(The Dirty Girl was compensated by Cottonelle for this post however the opinions are her own and so are the spelling mistakes)




  1. Elan Morgan says:

    I love that photo of you guys on stage with Jully. Hilarious!
    Elan Morgan recently posted..How Is Your Blog Doing?: My Talk At BlissDom CanadaMy Profile

  2. Lisa says:

    Great stuff. So glad you did this and came away with so much. Keep it up. Love and hugs. (and now I know who Jully Black is – thank you)

  3. David Ryan says:

    Wow. Blissdom sounds like a helluva fun event…
    David Ryan recently posted..Online Trading ComparisonMy Profile

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