My Dirt
whipped shortbread

I heart New York

I’ve been to the west coast and Los Angeles a lot over the years and I always thought of myself as more of a beaches and sun type of person but apparently, after winning the most amazing trip to New York city courtesy of Blissdom Canada and Rent Frock Repeat, I just might be an east coast gal after all. To be honest, I’m shocked at how much I’ve fallen in love with the people and the busyness and the people watching and the shear magnitude of New York.

Landing at JFK at 5pm local time with a departure a short 48 hours later doesn’t give you much time to fit it all in but trust me, we tried. In those precious 48 hours, we walked, we ate, we shopped, we photographed, we rode, we saw and we were seen. And I would do it all again in a (wait for it) New York minute.

Ha, how many cheesy New York references do you think I can fit into one blog post?

Love sculpture in New York

Damn, I hate being so predictable but it’s true, I heart New York.

Here’s a run down of what we did…

The first night in town we met some friends at the very trendy hot spot, Buddakan, for what I would call a very late dinner (9:30pm) but what local New Yorkers call a regular Monday night. It was huge and dark but the scene was vibrant and the food was excellent.

The next morning I ticked a big bucket list item off my list. You can read and watch my video about the Badgley Mischka fashion show for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, here.

Once the fashion show was over and our high fashion heels were retired for the rest of the day, we were off and walking in our comfy shoes. We went in search of food because unlike high fashion models, we wanted real New York pizza, with a side of sushi, isn’t that how it’s traditionally served?

More walking took us to Central Park where we rented bikes and rode all the way around the park stopping a few times to take in the beautiful scenery and take pictures.

More walking in search of the iconic “LOVE” sculpture, a cathedral, Rockefeller center, Sacks 5th Avenue, the Flat Iron building, and more walking.

We ended the day with dinner at a quaint bakery restaurant in the West Village and, you guessed it, a walk to Tribeca then a cab to the hotel because man, our feet were done by then.

Falling into bed that night I felt like I’d seen 4 days not 48 hours. I loved every second of my adventure and couldn’t have asked for a better travel companion than, Shannon Mischuk. There’s nothing better than meeting someone for the first time and leaving them 48 hours later feeling like they were always in your life. Thank you Shannon!

I heart New York and I heart my life.




  1. Shash says:

    that was an amazing week… errr 2 days! đŸ™‚ my toes are just starting to love me again. you are amazing Tiffany and it was an HONOUR to spend the time with you in NYC
    Shash recently posted..Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… #imEnoughMy Profile

  2. Brandy says:

    I dream of going to New York someday! The energy looks amazing. It was great seeing your updates as you visited New York! What a great time you must have had!
    Brandy recently posted..Books That Inspire From I Can! Kids! #GiveawayMy Profile

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