My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Honey, where’s the salt?

Have you ever had one of those conversations with your husband? You know the one. It’s the one where he is in the kitchen on Saturday morning for his weekend ritual of making pancakes for the kids while I get to sleep in or catch up on my favorite blogs. He makes pancakes EVERY weekend and he’s lived with me for 15 ish years and yet he can still stand in the pantry or in front of the fridge or closet or cupboards and call out to me…”honey, where’s the salt?” My response is usually a sigh and a roll of the eyes because I’m all too familiar with this dance.


“It’s in the pantry, dear.”


“No, it isn’t.”


“Yes, it is. Keep looking.”


“I am looking…I see kosher salt and coarse salt but I don’t see any table salt.”


“It’s in there, I promise.”


Getting frustrated now. “Seriously honey, I don’t see it, are you sure we have table salt in here?”


“Don’t be afraid to move something to see if the big white box is behind something else!”


“I’m not stupid, I’m looking everywhere, I don’t see it!”


With a heavy sigh, I get up from whatever I’m doing and go to the pantry and without even looking, I reach in and pull out the box of table salt from behind a smaller bottle of vinegar. “There you go, honey.”


If rolling my eyes burned calories I would be one skinny bitch.


Seriously, what genetic mutation makes men have selective eyesight?



  1. Joy says:

    So much! Luckily for me, when my husband hears me yell at my teenage son “Did you look like a man? Or did you move stuff?” he gets reminded and WILL actually move one or two things!!

    • Tiffany says:

      Haha, Thank gawd I don’t have sons. 1 husband looking for stuff with their eyes closed is about all I can manage.

  2. Jill says:

    Maybe if you organized your pantry…

    • Tiffany says:

      There’s a good chance that even if I had things labeled and blinking lights to show where the salt sits, that he would still ask me.

  3. Mandy says:

    Duh… it’s right there behind the hanging flashlight on the left, even I can see it Brent:)

  4. Az says:

    The running joke in our house when my husband can’t find something is, “It’s behind the milk”, whether it’s the mayo or his keys.

  5. Aras Androck says:

    Maybe it’s just his way to get your attention?
    Aras Androck recently posted..Nubri.comMy Profile

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