My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Health Warning For Men


Your species is under imminent threat of extinction due to a highly contagious disease known commonly as Rage-y Wifeosis.

Signs and Symptoms

Individuals with rage-y wifeosis experience sudden (often without warning) urges to throw objects within a 2 foot radius, project their voice at twice the normal volume, heavy sighing, episodes of retreat in a locked bathroom with no desire to urinate and/or the ability to stab others with only her ocular orbits.


The causes of rage-y wifeosis will likely vary between individuals. Current research has shown that some of the more common causes may include but are not limited to: screaming children in the back seat while driving, long line-ups at the bank, movie theatre seat kickers, over zealous hockey parents, judgemental in-laws, traffic jams on the way to your annual PAP exam and husbands.

Prevention and Management

Although rage-y wifeosis is not curable it does have long periods of remission where feelings of happiness and contentment are coupled with the capability to cope with the causes listed above. During a trial study it was found that 100% of patients suffering from rage-y wifeosis were able to recover or avoid symptoms all together when sent to any institution offering massages, pedicures, wine menus, chocolate desserts, high end designer clothing on sale or shoes.

Together we can save the male species from the dark fate it is currently destined for.

Want to help?

Spread the word, show kindness to fellow sufferers, share what treatment methods work best for you and breathe deep.


Below are several visual examples of the causes of rage-y wifeosis, I want to warn you now that the images are graphic in nature and  should only be viewed if you are currently in remission.

Viewer discretion is advised.


dish sponges


Starting to feel a bit anxious…


kitchen dish sponges


Heart rate is rising…


lululemon briefs


Strong desire to throw these out the window…


towels on the bed

Full blown rage-y wifeosis, remove all sharp objects from the vicinity.



  1. Downtown says:

    Workplace husbands Grisdale; you forgot about workplace husbands causing such rage. I spend more time with them then the Matrimonial one.

  2. Bronwyn MayB says:

    The towel would have done me in. Rage, right there. I appreciate your public service announcement. This could prevent so many cases!

    In my house, it is usually me who leaves something out and my rage is cause by the fact he moved it or put it away when I was about to use it a moment later.

    We’ve made rules now and both our blood pressure is lower.
    Bronwyn MayB recently posted..My little GrandmaMy Profile

  3. This is hilarious and resoundingly TRUE!!! Laugh? Can’t stop – my poor hubs is doomed, for he ‘will’ be reading this!! As for what treatment methods work best? Well, all of the above naturally, but in order – I always start with the wine, a full bodied red, and let’s just throw away the cork right now, shall we?!!
    Sheila @sZinteriors recently posted..A Vintage Giveaway by Audrey Would!My Profile

  4. JENN says:

    LOL!! I love this post!!

  5. Great Post! thanks for the laugh….I needed it after my day 🙂

  6. This is a horrible thing, like the cold. It comes and goes w/o us knowing or to be able to eradicate it. Only -if lucky- keep it under control.
    Mama and the City recently posted..Funtastic Week – Toddler EditionMy Profile

  7. Kathryn says:

    Yep. they should all beware!
    Kathryn recently posted..More Gold LoveMy Profile

  8. Hmmmm…. sounds like our house!

  9. Did my hubby visit your house?
    Dani @ lifeovereasy recently posted..20/20 At AnthroMy Profile

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