My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Dear Hilary

Dear Hilary,

Today is your 6th birthday, Happy Birthday my love.

You are a miracle. We were told you would not likely survive the first hours of life. We were told you would struggle. You defied all those who said you couldn’t or wouldn’t do it. You are a fighter and you are as stubborn as hell and I thank you for being so. Since your arrival on this earth you have proven that small things can hold much strength.


I love that you have a very loud voice and you’re not afraid to use it, loudly. You are not shy and you have yet to master the art of the whisper. I love that you are kind and gentle with those around you. I love that you spontaneously turn to me and say, “MOM, I love you!” and then run away. I love that you’re favourite thing to give to someone is a hug. You have an animated face of expressions ranging from exasperation to shock to pouty to happy and in my opinion I think you’re too young to have already master the eye roll! I really thought I’d have a few more years for that “milestone”. I love that you close your eyes when you hug your favourite stuffy close to your chest. I love how you dance ballet in the living room. I love how you’ve learned to rely on your older sisters for “sister” things like reading you stories, helping you wash your hair, holding your hand to cross the street and reaching the treats on the top shelf. You love and have mastered searching videos on YouTube, which baffles me because you can’t read or spell yet?! And although you curl your lip and cry crocodile tears like someone flushed your beloved goldfish down the toilet, over hearing the word, “no”, I’m still not going to give you cookies 10 minutes before supper but I still love you, despite what you might think.

I so much enjoy spending time with you and I am so very proud of all the hard work you’ve had to put in just to be here and be 6. You spent more time with doctors, specialist and aides than you did with friends and family in the beginning and now that you’re at school, boy are you making up for it. This is going to be an exciting year for you and I can’t wait to see the fantastic ways you’ll continue to amaze us all.

You are very loved.


  1. Lisa says:

    She is indeed – a miracle, and much loved. xo

  2. Kim says:

    Love you Hilary. xox

  3. Happy Birthday gorgeous little Hilary!
    Christine Cook recently posted..Baking Soda Easter Eggs { Easter Ornaments }My Profile

  4. I cannot believe how tiny she was! So precious. At my work right now, we are starting up a new project to fundraise for a new NICU at Foothills. It’s all about babies like yours!
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  5. Lisa Goulet says:

    This is beautiful and truly you are blessed to have Hilary in your life.
    Lisa Goulet recently posted..Transformation from living room to home officeMy Profile

  6. Gwenn Panny says:

    Awww. Adorable little Hilary.
    Gwenn Panny recently posted..Visit HereMy Profile

  7. Oh my God, how small was she … and how beautiful she was! Great job done! God is great.

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