My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Dear Abby

Dear Abby,

Today is your 6th birthday, Happy Birthday my love.

This is a big year for you, but I’ll probably say that every year. You are a short 6 months away from starting grade 1 which means that our half day time together is drawing to a close. You have never been scared or nervous to try new things and I love that about you and know that no matter where you go, you’ll be great. It is my goal that you be strong and independent and caring and kind and smart and I can see all of those things in you already.




The toothless smile that greets me every morning makes my heart warm and your sweet little voice calling, “mommy?” when you need my help or you just want me to come nearer, could make me move mountains for you. Although you are quiet and whispered at school, you are head strong and opinionated at home and anything but a whisperer. I love it when you’re singing to the radio in the car and you tell me, “mommy, turn this song up, I love this one!” and then you make up all the words. I love that you act like a big girl with your big sisters but you still act like my little girl with me. I love that you still want to hold my hand, sit next to me on the couch and you always give me hugs when I want one. I love that you love to colour anything and everything. You are really good at laughing at my silly jokes. I love it when you laugh, especially missing those 2 front teeth. You are persistent and feel that you deserve it all…how can I argue, really.

Even though you are the youngest of 4 and half of a set of twins and so darn cute, I will hold you to the same standards as your older sisters and sometimes (a lot of times) that will require me to be “mean”. You came into this world weak and frail and you have grown strong. I so much enjoy being your mom and I love you to my core.  I look forward to you being 6 and all the wonders and joys it will bring.

You are very loved.

PS, I yell because I care!


  1. Kim says:

    Love you Abby. xox

  2. I love seeing how tiny she started and how big and strong she is now! These pictures made my day – thank you.
    Katie Edwards recently posted..Easy Birthday Decorations: Rainbow Pipecleaner GarlandMy Profile

  3. Happy Birthday, little Abby. All the best!
    Shaun Hoobler recently dev teamMy Profile

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