My Dirt
whipped shortbread

April Fools

Giddy up y’all. It’s April! Spring is here and well so is the snow. It’s been a slow start to spring and if you’re like me and just about anyone living in Canada, you’re D-O-N-E with winter. Since it’s so close to April Fools day I thought I would do a little wrap up of some things I wish were April Fools day jokes but much to my total disgust, are very, very real!

Forecasted Snow. Pass the tissues. Sniff. I’ll be rocking in the corner with the fireplace on.


calgary weather


Lost hearing aid. 3 words no parent wants to hear from their hearing impaired child. Especially since I was 90% certain I saw her with both of them when she walked into the house after school. We spent 3 days turning the house upside down, flipping mattresses, checking pockets, vacuuming couches, praying to the gods of lost hearing aids and generally freaking out. And did it turn up? No! I’m just waiting for the snow to melt to see if it’s going to end up on the grass beside the driveway or better yet under the seats in the car. Le sigh.


Celebrity baby names. Come on people. This one is like a big joke all year round. I feel like all the celebrities in Hollywood have been casted on a giant episode of Punk’d and at some point Ashton Kutcher will pop out from behind a door and yell, “HA, you just got PUNK’D!” But sadly no, there is a whole new generation of children who will be faced with the disappointment of not being able to find their name on a keychain, of their classmates giggling at them and of the rest of the free world just shaking their heads at the shear stupidity of their parents. Sorry Tu Morrow, Zuma Nesta Rock, Moxie Crimefighter, Pilot Inspektor, Audio Science,  Jermajesty and Pirate it isn’t your fault your parents are idiots. Geesh, kind of makes Apple seem like a normal kind of name, doesn’t it?


hello my name is


Bad fashion trends. I must admit that there was a point in the 90’s when I rocked the denim overalls. I loved them with my tight white tank underneath and my tortoise toe converse sneaks…at the clubs! Word! But seriously, if there’s one (ok maybe more than one) trend that I wish was an April Fools day prank, it’s the comeback of denim overalls, low crotch harem”MC Hammer” pants, CROP TOPS! (no, just no!), hi-lo skirts and dresses and all that crazy blinged out nail art. One day our kids will be dressing up for halloween as a kid in the 2010’s and it’s going to be funny and ridiculous and really sad, just like it is now.

 bad harem pants


Happy April Fools Day every day for the rest of 2014!


  1. Lisa says:

    Phew! I was really worried I might see myself in those bad wardrobe pics. Luckily for me I don’t have any of that stuff – though no doubt I have many wardrobe errors.

  2. I think you hit on all the fashion trends I’m afraid of! Except I must admit I do kinda miss my denim overalls!

  3. Oh no on the forecast, yuck. Same with those outfits and baby names – double yuck. I hope you find that heading aid.
    Inspire Me Heather recently posted..{stories of a house} DIY frames for chart artMy Profile

  4. Kayla Seah says:

    Can’t believe you’re still struggling through winter in Canada! Best wishes for spring to come soon.
    Kayla Seah recently posted..Organic BeautyMy Profile

  5. And now April is almost over. How time flies.
    Judy Charlotte recently posted..rubyweightloss.comMy Profile

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