My Dirt
whipped shortbread

TMI Tuesday

You know that “drawer” you have in your room? Come on, you know the one. That place deep in the back of your bed side table or your tall dresser where you put things for safe keeping. Things you don’t want to lose and things you don’t want to be seen…ever. Sometimes it’s a sock drawer. Sometimes it’s a junk drawer. Ok so maybe mine happens to be my underwear drawer, so what?

This “drawer” is the place where you might put the photo of your great grandfather in his military uniform. The first lock of hair from your daughters first haircut. The first valentines day card your husband ever gave you. The treasures in that secret vault haven’t been looked at in years or even a decade I bet. Carefully hidden or so you think.

So imagine my horror when the 4, 20 something, male movers all smiled and shook my hand at the end of the day and held my gaze just a little bit longer when they said good-bye and then find all the drawers from my tall dresser to be piled on the master bedroom floor with my “drawer” sitting on top!

Oh. Em. Gee. Do you think they noticed?


And while I was horrified, my husband was patting himself on the back like a proud peacock. Nice.

I thought it was weird that they were high-5ing him on their way out.

Everyone has a vault. I know you do! So, fess up, what’s in yours?

Welcome to TMI Tuesday.




  1. Jody says:

    Oh. Em. Gee. is right!!! And I may or may not have similar items hidden somewhere…
    Jody recently posted..Retirement? You’re Richer Than You Think!My Profile

  2. LOL I have that drawer too. My daughter gets into it all the time. The only time anyone was horrified was when she decided to put on some little black fishnet number she found on there. I don’t think my husband will ever look at it the same way again.
    Mommy Outside recently posted..$40, Walmart & a Delicious and Nutritious Family Meal #cbiasMy Profile

  3. Pamlet says:

    Only thing worse is when your mother discovers “your vault.” Both of us are in therapy.

  4. Thanks for that reminder. The movers are coming here on Friday and I have been meaning to hide that tube of lube away. Only, where the eff do you hide things from the movers? In my suitcase? But then the kids will find it and open it up on the ferry and my husband and I will have to explain why the room the kids stayed in is lubed up like a San Francisco street fair. Somebody help me please!
    Lynn @NomadMomDiary recently posted..VACATIONSMy Profile

  5. Brooke says:

    I might need an explanation as to what that is! But too funny.
    Brooke recently posted..Iginla Home in Calgary – For SaleMy Profile

  6. Lisa says:

    With age comes wisdom? Maybe!
    I definitely have one of those – in fact I have so many of those drawers, boxes, bags – it’s positively scary. Now, the contents are not quite so telling these days. I have learned that some secrets are better left that way! Though it might also be a great learning experience for your kids!

  7. pennie says:

    Ah f*#king hell!

  8. Pfft, oh girl. One of my drawers specifically holds “special” DVDs. Movers don’t scare but my moms do *bites fingers*
    Kristi @therobotmommy recently posted..10 Kick Ass Ways To Spend 30 MinutesMy Profile

  9. I’ll never tell! I hate having repair men over because they react that way when they see the swing in the basement, that is a therapy swing for my daughter, but by their reactions they assume otherwise. Explaining just makes it worse.
    Tara @ Don’t Lick the Deck recently posted..Brownie CampMy Profile

  10. Crystal says:

    I uesd to have a little box with a lid on my nightstand with mommy and daddy toys in it when the kids were smaller…..came home one day to the lid being tilted and my NANA!!!! looking all weirded out, and she just happened to be looking out our bedroom window when we got home….creeped us both out when we found the box lid tilted and I purposely put it on properly before she got there. So wrong!!!!

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