My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Sh*t I Say @ The Dinner Table

Let me start off by saying that I love (love, love, love) my kids but there are a couple of times a day that I love them a little tiny bit less. One of those times would be dinner time. One of these days I should set up a camera and record the dinner table antics in our house. It’s loud, crazy and often painful. I dream of the days when all 6 of us can sit down to a new and healthy meal and have all the kids take their first bite and exclaim their enthusiasm for my cooking and then finish their plates amid a moderate volume conversation where we exchange stories about our fun filled but busy days. PUFF! Then I wake up to this:

“Dinner time!”

“Dinner Time, come to the table please!”



“NO, you sit there, you always sit there!”

“No toys at the table.”

“Use your fork, not your fingers.”

“Don’t wipe your hands on your pants!”

“Sit in your seat”

“You can’t say you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it.”

“Please be quiet and take a bite.”

“Close your mouth when you chew!”

“Sit in your seat”

“Take a bite”

“Sit in your seat”

“Take a bite”

“Sit in your seat”

“Take a bite.”

“No you can’t be done yet.”

“Drink your milk.”

“Move your glass in from the edge of the table!”

“Go get a towel and clean up your milk off the floor.”

“Stop touching your sister.”


“If I get to 3, you’re going to be sorry!”

“Ok 5 more big bites.”

“Ok 4 more big bites.”

“Ok 3 more big bites.”


“It’s been over an hour, FINISH YOUR DINNER!”

“Finish your dinner, please.”

“Finish Your Dinner!”


“NO, you can NOT have dessert!”



  1. Crystal says:

    This sounds very familiar and you are not alone! Although my two are really pretty good eaters now, my daughter wasn’t always and it was a nightly fight… it is my niece. She likes to play “let’s make a deal!”…..our dinner with her goes like this……Syd start eating please, Sydney stop watching TV and eat your dinner, start eating or the TV is going off…..TV goes off…my kids whine….awww mom!…..Sydney- auntie can I scrape?….no keep eating….Syd- many more bites?…..JUST EAT!……Syd – can I scrape now auntie?…..NO!!! Syd- well how many more bites?…..Aaahhhhh!!! LOL!

  2. Laura says:

    Were you at my house???

    So glad I am not alone.

  3. Renee says:

    HA!!!! oh this one made me laugh! yes not alone, this feels like an exact script from my house!! Can’t wait until the babies are old enough to had to the insanity!

  4. Andrea says:

    lol! Love it! I definitely have said these too many times!! I also say to them, “You know how to act and eat right at the table, why don’t you just do it?” or “You really want to be yelled at every 5 min at dinner tonight, don’t you?”. Oh, and the “Please tell me you don’t eat like this at school.”

    I’m waiting for the day they just act like people, not animals…lucky for them they are cuties!!

  5. I lost it at “move your cup away from the edge of the table.” and “Go get a towel to wipe up the milk from the floor.” This is me every. single. meal. EVERY ONE!

    Freakin’ hilarious. I just pseudo met you, but I love you! Deva Dalporto sent me via fb. I mean not just me.
    Rokkie at Please Be Chocolate recently posted..What’s a mom to do?My Profile

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