My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Netflix and Sweat

I don’t want to jinx it or anything but I’m on a serious roll right now with my workouts. For the past 6 months I’ve been committed to doing 5k a day. Yes, you read that right. I lace up my runners and find a way to move my body for a minimum of 5k, whether it’s along the river with friends or just around my neighbourhood or on the treadmill (now that it’s cold and dark out), I walk, run or a combo of both every single day.

Never mind a night of Netflix and chill, I’m getting all hot and bothered for Netflix and sweat!

After the kitchen is clean, the lunches are made, the teeth are brushed and the kids are in bed, no matter how tired, I get my gear on and turn on the TV. As much as I’m loving the workout aspect, the truth is that Netflix is what keeps me motivated. I couldn’t get thru 1k much less 5k on a monotonous treadmill without a series to binge watch but it has to pass the check list to make it to my queue.

  1. No subtitles. Way too hard to read a screen when running.
  2. Fast paced. If I’m looking at the clock more than the TV then the story is going too slow.
  3. All the episodes. 3 seasons minimum so I can really get invested in the show. The longer the better. (with some exceptions)

Now that I’ve found some series that pass the test, here’s what I’ve been binging while I’ve been sweating it out.

Lost (loved it the first time and even more the second time)



The Good Wife (Need more episodes, stat)

the good wife


24 (first timer here. I can see why everyone loved it so much)

24 tv show



The West Wing


Mr. Selfridge

Mr. Selfridge


Scandal (Team Jake)



During an epic Periscope while I burned out a 10k walk, my #pocketfriends gave me some awesome recommendations to add to the queue for upcoming workouts. Here’s what they wanted me to Netflix and sweat to.

Prison Break

Prison Break


Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones


Sherlock (BBC series)

Sherlock Holmes


The Killings

The Killing





This list should keep me entertained for the next hundred workouts, give or take.


What are you binging right now?



  1. Killings is good. Dark. I really want to try JJ.
    Kyla @ Mommy’s Weird recently posted..Butterscotch Marshmallow Cake…My Profile

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