My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Moving Sucks

That’s really all there is to it. Moving sucks.

We lived in our last house for over 9 years. We bought it and moved in 2 months before I gave birth to our first child. We had 3 more babies living in that house. We had summers and Christmases, BBQ’s and birthdays in that house. We grew in that house and then we outgrew that house.

I can’t believe that after having roots for 9 years we are in the trenches of our second move in 8 months! The boxes. The clutter. The madness!

When we decided to put our house on the market I couldn’t wait to be rid of it. I had mentally moved out months before we actually signed the papers. I was ready. Now after living in this annoying rental house for 8 months, I long for the simple days of our simple house and the roots we had there. The ability to decorate, to unpack, to organize, to love it and live in it.

I know there are many people who rent for various reasons and love it or grow to love it, I am not one of those people. As I sat in front of my laptop looking for our next rental house (due to the present owners putting this house up for sale) I didn’t pour over listings to find the perfect home. I didn’t look for a house with granite counter tops and stainless steel and a big back yard with a mountain view in the perfect neighbourhood. I had a simple list of requirements to fit us and our budget, yup, that one will do. It’s probably for the best. The last thing I need is to move into a rental house that is meant to be temporary and end up loving it so much we don’t want to leave.

We signed a 12 month lease for the new rental house. At least that will give us some stability for the next year while we regroup and figure out what our next steps will be to get back into home ownership. To get back to owning and planting roots again.

And where are these “roots” right now anyway?  Are they in the boxes of unpacked STUFF that we lugged from one house only to be lugged to another house and put in a storage room or the garage? Or are our “roots” in the memories we make where ever our family happens to be living? Even if those roots don’t have the chance to sink deep into the ground and spread to the edges of the property lines, they’re still our roots that will follow us as we move again and again on this crazy journey.



  1. Linda says:

    Lovely post Tiffany.

    As someone who’s had many moves to deal with, I can say that you’re bang on when you talk about roots being within you. Those grow far wider and much deeper then those that only extend to the edge of a property.

  2. julie nowell says:

    I hear you girl! We are in our 8th month post sale of the house. Our rental drives us nutty, and a “forever home” while on the horizon is being held just out of reach!

    It will come! Use the transition time for what it is and save your pennies and fine tune your dream for the years ahead!

    The right thing, the right time .. .even tho the waiting is bloody hard!

    • Tiffany says:

      Deep breaths today for sure. I will have so much more of an appreciation for our forever house when we get to it.

  3. We had a house for 8 years, it was huge and we renovated every inch of it. For many very good reasons we moved to a fully finished, turn key beautiful home about a year ago. I realized the other day that although I have decorated it and done all kinds of stuff, I kept “forgetting” to put up our family photos. They sit in 8 boxes in the garage and a bolt of insight made me realize I resented the move, and didn’t want this house. It fit the list, and the price, and we had looked at 50 others. It should be perfect, but I haven’t fallen in love with it. Maybe it will be an arranged marriage kind of love… comes in time.

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