My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Meet the Dirty Girl

I am a list expert. I have lists for my lists for my lists and I keep track of them all. So it’s only fitting that I introduce myself to you in list form…

  1. I like lists.
  2. I’ve been married to the most wonderful man for over 10 years.
  3. I have 4 smart assed daughters who are going to rule the world one day.
  4. I have the best friends in the world who are more like family to me.
  5. I fell in love with tattoos at the age of 18. I will never stop getting them.
  6. I am a cancer survivor. Fuck you, cancer!
  7. I have tattoos by Nate Fierro, Dan Smith and Jack Mosher.
  8. “Life is too short to get bad tattoos.”- Me
  9. I love art in many forms.
  10. I have a passion for photography, mine and others.
  11. I am health obsessed.
  12. I run almost daily but will not run races, I like to run alone.
  13. I drive fast (when I’m alone).
  14. I don’t drink alcohol. It’s not about religion or 12 steps, I just don’t.
  15. I am spiritual but I am not religious.
  16. I am deathly allergic to all nuts. (although there is much debate about whether I’m allergic to almonds, stay tuned.)
  17. “Confidence is all the skinny you need” – Me
  18. I’m an inventor!
  19. I like my lashes long and my nails short.
  20. I created,wrote and copyrighted a TV show that will make me famous one day.
  21. I love sushi and Indian food.
  22. I can dress for any occasion but can’t decorate a room to save my life.
  23. I’ll take quality over quantity every time.
  24. I love jewellery and design only for myself including my engagement ring and wedding rings.
  25. I’m a type A control freak.
  26. I love my sleep!
  27. In my perfect world I would wake up to the view of mountains every morning.
  28. I will be on the Ellen Degeneres Show one day.
  29. I cry at movies, commercials, TV shows, songs, news tickers, tweets and Facebook status’.
  30. If I’m staring at you with a strange look on my face it’s probably because you look like you got dressed in the dark, in 1992.
  31. I have an unhealthy addiction to Lululemon.
  32. I do understand that too much Lululemon at one time can be a bad thing.
  33. I love my weekly flyers.
  34. I’ve eaten the exact same thing for breakfast for the past 5 years. I even travel with it.
  35. When I tell you that something looks good on you, you should buy it because I mean it.
  36. When I tell you something looks bad on you, you should not buy it and you should always take me shopping with you because clearly you can’t shop for yourself.
  37. I’ve been on a contest type reality show about shopping and beauty. We didn’t win however this is no reflection of my style ability, it was rigged!
  38. I love old skool hip hop and r&b.
  39. I grew up in da hood.
  40. I kick ass at Lips for Xbox and karaoke.


So there you have it, a list of 40 things about me, just to get us started. I can’t tell you EVERYTHING on our first date?!



  1. Syl says:

    4 children and you don’t drink? what is wrong with you women ;-)…just kidding!
    Loved the list, learned some new things about you!

  2. Tiffany says:

    Thanks for the comment. I’m glad you’re learning new things about me!

  3. Kim says:

    Nice to meet ya Dirty Girl! I especially like point #4.

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