My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Life is Good #100

A while back I started gratitude journals for Brent and I and the 2 older kids. You can read about it more HERE. Sadly since life around here is in a transition of boxes and chaos, we haven’t quite gotten back into a routine of writing in them nightly or making the kids write in them nightly as we were before. This, of course, doesn’t mean that I don’t continue to see the good in my crazy life or that I don’t appreciate even the littlest of good things in my day.  There really is not better gratitude journal than right here sharing with all of you.



Grandma takes the twins for a sleepover.




Brent’s mom is just days shy of 75 and she called the house the other day to invite Abby & Hilary (4.5) over for a sleepover. I wish I had a video camera to record the excitement and joy on their faces. I dropped them off at her house after they were done school on Friday and they hardly cared when I told them I was leaving to go home without them. Having 2 less kids in the house for a night certainly makes a noticeable difference to the noise and busy in the house but it wasn’t about giving us a night of grace, it was about giving the twins a special night with Gram. They had a great time, slept well and even got pancakes for breakfast. I am so happy that my kids have these memories with their grandparents.

Do you keep a gratitude journal? What are you grateful for?



  1. Linda says:

    This is the single most important thing that I can do for myself and those that I love. You and Brent are right on the money concerning gratitude. It completely changes your way of thinking and feeling.

    Dirty Girl, you’re my kind of woman!

  2. Lori G says:

    Nice! I love gramma quality time! Amy writes a “Happy List” on the whiteboard in the pantry. It’s so cute to see. I like the idea of a gratitude journal. I will try to learn from you and Amy. 🙂

  3. Laura says:

    My girls were hitting a point where they started complaining about the littlest simplest things. It was driving me crazy given that we are so very blessed. So we started writing happy journals and they had to come up with one thing everyday that made them happy. It was amazing the change in attitude and the thing they saw to be happy about. We still do it today but verbally it is been a life changer for them and me.

  4. well I dont really spent much time with my grand parents for they live a little bit far from my home. But I always make sure that my 2 daughters spent a real good quality with thier both grand parents. Thanks dirty girl this post is awesome.
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