My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Join The First Periscope Secret Santa


periscope secret santa


It’s been 9 months since Periscope launched as a live streaming app under the umbrella of Twitter. I started broadcasting on May 2nd, 2015 and in that short amount of time, I’ve met some of the most supportive, funny, compassionate, kind, generous and loving people that I can say are now my friends. Some might say they’re my #pocketfriends. One of these amazing #pocketfriends suggested we do a secret santa gift exchange among our group! I want to invite everyone to join the first Periscope Secret Santa!

Here’s how it will work:

  1. Secret Santa is open to anyone and everyone on Periscope.
  2. Registration is free to join in the fun.
  3. I will collect all the information for those participating in the Secret Santa.
  4. Once I have everyone’s name and address, I will match each person up with another who lives far away.
  5. Your personal information will be held in strict confidence and will not be given to anyone other than the 1 person who will send you a Secret Santa gift.
  6. There is no limit to the size of gift you can send. You can send something as simple as a postcard from your city or a keychain or something a little bigger like a book or a hat or a box of chocolates. Hint: this would be the perfect opportunity to re-gift that cheesy present from your 2nd cousin 4 times removed. No minimum and no maximum. No pressure either.
  7. Once you receive your Secret Santa gift, do a broadcast showing what you got and use the hashtag #PocketFriendsSecretSanta in the title. Make sure you share it to twitter.
  8. If you are not into going live to broadcast, you can take a selfie with your item and tweet it to me using the hashtag #PocketFriendsSecretSanta, but you really should consider hitting that broadcast button!
  9. Have FUN!

I’m super excited to see how big we can make this. I would love to see this project reach all sides of the world and as many different cultures as possible. I’ve had viewers from Australia, Russia, India, Mexico and the USA just to name a few.

So? Do you want to join the first Periscope Secret Santa?

Comment on this blog post telling me that you’re in and then CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT THIS FORM. The cut off to join will be December 20th, although I know that it’s not likely that anyone will receive their gifts before Christmas anyway, please try to mail out your “gift” in the mail by December 28th.

The purpose of this secret santa gift exchange is to extend the idea that Periscope is bringing the world together, bringing people together. I hope you’ll join me!

Merry Christmas y’all!


  1. Joan says:

    I’m in. Sounds fun! And a great way to bring the world a little closer
    Joan recently posted..ABCs of Successful Parent-Teacher ConferencesMy Profile

  2. Pinkie lopez says:

    I’m in

  3. Ashley says:

    Oh yea, i’m in for sure!!

  4. Dianne says:

    I’m in! This will be awesome! 😄

  5. pocketfriend says:

    Let’s rock this #pocketfriends!

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