My Dirt
whipped shortbread

It’s A Twin Thing

I know some people who have twins that look and act so much alike the parents have a hard time telling them apart. Others have twins that look and act like polar opposites. Twins that cannot be apart from one another for fear of total emotional collapse. Twins are a fascinating phenomena. Our twins are identical, which means they started off as 1 fertilized egg that split into 2 identical embryos. I really looked forward to witnessing that special twin bond I’d heard so much about. Holding hands, playing together, loving each other unconditionally, communication without words.

Not so much.

I don’t know if it was the many weeks in the NICU in the beginning of their life that meant being separated in different beds or if it was the fact that they have older sisters whom they idolize but my girls, while identical, fight about everything. They fight about which cereal bowl they get to use, which cup colour they want, which t-shirt to wear, even though there is a duplicate in the drawer! Barbies, stuffys, movies, blankets, books…EVERYTHING!

UGH! The crying, the yelling, the hair pulling and the hitting! Make it stop!


Then one day we were at Gramma’s house for a big family dinner with the aunts, uncles and cousins. The adults were just finishing their dessert in peace while the kids, long since dismissed from the table, were downstairs playing happily in the basement. Abby rushed to the dining room with urgent news, Hilary was locked in the bathroom and couldn’t get out!

While Hilary was calm behind the door, waiting for Daddy to bust her out, Abby was not doing as well. To my utter shock, Abby was very worried, almost panicked about the well being of her twin sister. Even with all the kids and some adults gathered around to assess the jammed door, Abby stood close by with tears in her eyes telling Hilary, thru the door, “it’s ok, daddy’s gonna get you out, don’t worry, ok?” She just starred at the door until it was finally opened and Hilary was free. There was a brief moment of relief and joy and within moments she  pulled her hair and we were right back to the crying and fighting all over again.

At least I know on SOME level, they love each other.

It’s a twin thing.


  1. Oh I’ve always wanted to have a twin.

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