My Dirt
whipped shortbread

I Shut Up

Could you stop yelling at your kids for 1 day? Could you stop yelling at your kids for 1 hour? Most of us would answer, heeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll NO!

So, I’m just going to lay it out for y’all, I yell. A LOT! I’m not proud to say it but most days it’s the only thing I can do to release the steam that builds up in my engine. I get frustrated, overwhelmed, over tired and distracted. All the ingredients for my pipes to burst. I don’t like the look on my 9 year olds face when she rolls her eyes at me. I don’t like it when my 5 year old cries because “mommy is mean”. And I really don’t like how that stress and anxiety makes my body and mind feel.



I recently came across a fellow blogger at The Orange Rhino who set a goal for herself to, wait for it…not yell at her kids for a year. Yes, you read that right, a whole 365 days of not yelling! Sounds impossible doesn’t it? This wonder woman has successfully completed 365 days of not yelling at her kids. Of course she’s had some bumps and set backs along the way, which she has been blogging about the whole time (brilliant) but in the end, she succeeded and what’s more, she’s continuing her pledge for another 365 days. WOW.

OK, let’s give it a go shall we. If The Orange Rhino, a mom of 4 boys (under 5) can manage to hold her shit together for more than 365 days, then surely I could do it with my 4 girls for at least a day. I decided to experiment with the concept on April 12 and see if I could get thru the day. So what if it was a Friday and half of my children were at school all day and the other half were at appointments most of the day? I still succeeded in not yelling at my kids. YAY me! So I tried another day and another and another and now that I’m on day 13 I have to tell you, it feels really good. Now don’t get me wrong, I still get mad at my kids, they’re not perfect and neither am I but without all the yelling (at least from me) I feel more in control than I’ve ever felt.

How long will it last? Who knows? I honestly didn’t think I could make it thru 1 hour when I first read about it. At this point, I am a believer that anything is possible.

Could you stop yelling at your kids for a day? Try it and tell me about it?


Wanna take the Orange Rhino challenge? Check it out HERE! Make sure you tell her I sent you 😉



  1. Pamlet says:

    I have found that a raspy whisper a la Godfather is a very effective (and throat-saving) alternative to yelling.

    They know I mean business when I DON’T yell.

    Four girls & no yelling. Let me buy you a drink in October, lady. xo
    Pamlet recently posted..How I Met Your Mother: when do you introduce your kids to your new love?My Profile

  2. Brooke says:

    Wow. I need to think about this somewhat… First to realize how much I do it, and then debate if I could stop.
    Brooke recently posted..Iginla Home in Calgary – For SaleMy Profile

  3. Steph Colangeli says:

    Its kismet that is saw this today. I grew up in a yelling house and vowed never to yell at my kids, but we are creatures of our environment and now whenever I cry I feel so horribly guilty and consider myself a failure as a parent. I want to change and be better. I like this challenge. I’m going to give it a try a d pray for success or just save up for therapy for them latter!

  4. My name is Kristi and I’m a yeller. 🙁 It sucks suck sucks because in my mind it interepts as losing control. It always ends in guilt and most of the time giving in next time therefore showing a mixed message. I can be better, my kids deserve better but I’m human. I hope this post is the kick in my ass to remember to do better. And fucking breathe.
    Kristi Gilbert (@therobotmommy) recently posted..10 Kick Ass Ways To Spend 30 MinutesMy Profile

  5. Sara Toth says:

    I read the same blog post…and tried it. But first I told the family that I was going to do my best and I wanted them to try too. I figured everyone might benefit and we could help each other. The kids lasted about 3 hours but certainly looked very guilty when a sister pointed out their volume level. I still use the phrase “there’s no need to yell”. Unfortunately, their yelling has turned to more of a growl now, but at least it’s not so loud. I celebrated about 3 weeks of no yelling. I haven’t been able to go that long since.

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