My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Go Cut Your Hair

Here’s my number one tip for parents everywhere:


The truth is, our innocent kids have not yet acquired the ability to hear negatives. Don’t touch that, turns into fingerprints. Don’t eat that, turns into teeth marks. Don’t fight with your sister turns into me screaming at them! When one of them tries to be grumpy, I wag my finger at them and say, don’t smile! Instant laughter. For instance, when you’re sitting down to dinner and Daddy and Mommy are having a conversation about their day and “cutting hair” casually comes up in a way that is completely over the children’s heads and totally irrelevant to them, you shouldn’t do this:

him: {turns to his 5 (almost 6) year old twin daughters, who have very long, perfect hair}

“Now you know girls, DON’T EVER CUT YOUR OWN HAIR, RIGHT?!”

me: {face palm} {blink blink blink}

But what those same 5 (almost 6) year old twin daughters ACTUALLY heard was…



Although I didn’t see them with the scissors or catch them in the act I imagine that there was an unspoken twin to twin eye conversation that happened across the dinner table and then a mad dash for the bathroom upstairs. Thankfully for them (and him for that matter), I didn’t notice the jagged ponytail and the pile of golden brown hair in the garbage can until well into the next day…and after a good nights sleep!

Oh, what’s that you say? Who cut their hair? Yeah, that’s the best part! Abby got a hold of the scissors but did she cut her OWN hair? Nope. She talked her twin sister into staying still so she could cut big chunks out of her ponytail!

Have twins, they said.

It’ll be 2 times the fun, they said.



  1. satch says:

    Well…..she did not cut her own hair. So dad had that going for him…

  2. Tara Page says:

    Jessica & Linsday did that, they EACH cut EACH others hair when they were young. And funny enough, just THIS Sunday, Alexis my now almost 6 year old, cut her hair! The hair is under the couch at Nanas house, and she now has bangs :< Very uneven, thick, sideways bangs. Oh ya, did I mention, she doesn't want bangs either, so why the heck did she cut some! AHHHHH.

  3. Lisa says:

    Perfect! See – in the end it made you smile! Love it. And it’s so good to be able to blame the Dad in any case. And to be honest, Hilary didn’t seem to mind her new coiffe.

  4. Whoever said that about twins or triplets, never had multiples. Just saying.

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
    Sarah at Journeys of The Zoo recently posted..Quick and Easy Valentines Day Crafts for KidsMy Profile

  5. My daughter was three when we had our son. She decided I was too busy to take her for a haircut, so she did her bangs… and by “did” I mean chain saw massacre level.
    She was the cautionary tale for all her friends.
    Magnolia Ripkin recently posted..Your Communication Style – A Guide for the ChallengedMy Profile

  6. LMAO. Sometimes, dads are clueless.
    Judy Charlotte recently posted..Ruby Weight LossMy Profile

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