My Dirt
whipped shortbread


WARNING: For those of you who know me personally please know that we have decided NOT to tell to our 4 children about my experience with cancer. Please keep this in mind when they are present.

Part 1

September 14, 2012 marks the 1 year anniversary of the day I was diagnosed with cancer. I know that for a lot of you who know me personally, this is going to be news to you so I’ll give you all the details.

Over the course of many months I noticed a large lump in my left armpit. By the time I brought it to my doctors attention it was easily the size of an egg (you can see it in the picture of me, allow me to draw your attention to my armpit…add that to the list of things ‘I never thought I’d ever say’) Although painless, we decided to check it out. The first tests I had were an ultrasound and a fine needle biopsy. To my relief the biopsy came back negative. Phew. So we agreed to leave it and follow up in a year at my next PAP exam. So another year rolled by and the lump was still there. I re-did the ultrasound to find that the lump had not changed in any significance but my doctor decided to refer me to the Breast Health Clinic to have an expert in that area look at it and I agreed.

The doctor at the Breast Health Clinic decided I should do a core biopsy. This procedure is the same as the fine needle biopsy except they use a needle the width of a straw to take a bigger sample of the core. Let’s just say that it’s no picnic…in your armpit. The doctor told me that regardless of the results of the core biopsy she would likely want to operate and remove the lump for further examination and testing. So when the core biopsy also came back negative she started making arrangements to operate. After booking the surgery for October the nurse promptly called me back saying that the doctor wanted me to have the surgery sooner.

nurse- “so…how’s tomorrow?”

me- “ummmm, are you kidding me? No, I’m sorry, I can’t come tomorrow for surgery. I’ve had 2 biopsies both come back negative, this isn’t urgent.” What did she think I was doing, booking a pedicure?

This should have been my first tip off.

So in the end we compromised on Friday September 2. At least that gave me a week to prepare.

The day I went in to get the results from the surgery was a sunny warm day. Brent and I went in to see the doctor in happy moods. I was confident that the result was sure to be negative given that both biopsies were negative before this. The doctor came in and we exchanged pleasantries.

She leaned up against the table.

“I wish I had better news for you. The test came back positive for cancer.”

I don’t remember much of anything after that. I was in shock.

“I don’t want to die.”

“My kids are going to be without a mother.”

“I didn’t want to die young like my mother did.”

“I don’t want to be in pain.”

“I don’t want cancer.”



The days that followed were filled with uncontrollable sadness and a feeling of complete and utter loss of control. It was dark.


I was referred to see an oncologist at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre. I had a CT scan before my first appointment so that they would be able to “stage” the cancer. I got a call from one of the nurses to see if I had any questions. HA! Questions? Yeah, I’ve got some questions alright. Like how the fuck did ‘I’ end up with cancer. Me! The person who eats right, runs daily, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, doesn’t drink pop, doesn’t eat fast food! The nurses at the Tom Baker are fantastic, don’t get me wrong. They do a difficult job and never make you feel like you’re a burden. But I had to laugh at that question. In the end she couldn’t tell me much but she did tell me the exact type of cancer I was diagnosed with.

Nodule Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

And there it was. It had a name.





  1. Tara Page says:

    OMG Tiffany, I had NO idea! How are you doing? Are you ok? Did the surgery remove it all? I have a lump in my breast, I had a fine needle biopsy years ago and it came back negative. Not looked at it again. Hmmm…. If there is ANYTHING I can do for you, please, please, let me know. I’m home now, so if you want to do coffee again, let’s do it!

    You are a strong, hilarious, and positive woman, I know that you will been this damn cancer! Kick it’s ass woman!

  2. Ursula says:

    Tiff, that is so surprising that you had cancer. You hid it well and I understand that it is not something to make public right away. I love how you are sharing your experience now. I feel closer to you, your honesty and humour are refreshing.

  3. Crystal says:

    So where do things sit now Tiff? How are feeling mentally about things? (how can you tell I work in Mental Health!?)

  4. Laura says:

    F%CK is right! Please let me help however you need and if you don’t ask count, on at the very least, positive thoughts and a hug at the ready.

  5. Kristy says:

    F%CK Cancer!!!! *tear*
    I’m not one to pray never really been much for it but right now I will pray, beg for you to have good health and that you will be with your beautiful girls and husband for long time. I know I don’t live down the street but if there is anything I can do PLEASE just ask.
    You inspire me to get my ass outside and run everytime I see you mention you ran cop hill(not sure what that is but I live on flat land and hills sound scary), I love your blog, all the healthy eating posts, pics of your family. I know you can beat this!!! Stay strong and kick butt!!

  6. Kristin says:

    Oh TIffany, I sure love everything about you. I think you’re feisty and I love it!! I’ve known about this for a long time and it has been really hard not to say anything but I was told to keep it quiet and not mention it. I have been thinking about you lots and praying for you and Brent. I really appreciate you sharing this on your blog. I wish I had a magic potion for you and for everyone I know who’s had to battle cancer. Lots of love to you and I’m here for you!! You’ve always been there for me and it means the world to me. xo

  7. Sheri Kortgaard says:

    I do remember something about your surgery at the last fall sale but you were pretty quiet about it. What is your prognosis at this point? Thank you for sharing and positive thoughts to you, Tiff!

  8. Heather Pineo says:

    What an incredibly difficult year you must have had. I hope all is well and I’ll be thinking about you, Brent and the family. Hope to see you guys soon.

  9. Deanne says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you Tiffany. You are one strong, resilient, amazing woman….stay strong.

  10. Shannon says:

    Sending you lots of love! Xoxo

  11. Mandy says:

    You. Are. Wicked. Xx.oo.

  12. Adriana says:

    I am in tears reading your journey. Sending you lots of love and prayers. You are truly amazing. xo

  13. Fayon says:

    Tiffany, your spirit and determination inspires me. Love to you, Brent and your beautiful girls. xoxo Fayon

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