My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Do Over

Today I call a do-over. I got the distinct impression that the universe was trying to tell me to stay home today. I was zipping along in my day minding my own business, gettin’ shit done.

When all of a sudden,


I stepped into the garage to put the extra milks in the spare fridge and the door locked behind me with a slam.


And of course, you’re thinking, well why not just open the big garage door and then go back in the house thru the front door? Nope. That was locked too. Because I grew up in the hood, lock yo doors.

So I stood there in disbelief for a second and then burst out laughing. Ok, what now?

Guess it’s time to meet the neighbours. While the universe may not have been on my side, because seriously, how does a door LOCK ITSELF when it slams closed, my friendly neighbour was home to save me. She invited me in and let me use her phone to call my hubs to rescue me. And isn’t that what he really lives to do? Rescue me? Right?

Since my day was halted to a brick wall stop I made the most of the moment I had to get to know the lovely neighbour lady and her sweet little daughter. No sense in wasting the time being mad at myself.

Oh and did I mention that I was supposed to pick up the twins at preschool in 20 minutes. Ummm, yeah, there’s that.

In the end, hubs showed up and unlocked the door. I got the girls (30 minutes late) and still made it to music class on time only to have the DVD player (that entertains the other 3 children while I’m in class with the other 1) malfunction.

Ok, lets just go home and call it a day.

Well played universe, well played.


  1. Brooke says:

    I hate those days. Oh boy do we have them too. You should keep an extra key hidden in your garage maybe? I need one imbedded in my arm. Just n case.

  2. Living in the Boonies, I couldn’t get much done without knowing my neighbours. Although sometimes I wish that they didn’t know me.

    Can you get one of those fake rocks that hides keys? You probably will and then will never lock yourself out again. Isn’t that the way things go.

    Was it seriously the first time you met them?

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
    Sarah De Diego (Journeys of The Zoo) recently posted..All-Inclusive Weekly Giveaway {Linky} up to June 4My Profile

    • Tiffany says:

      I’m ok with hiding a key and then NEVER having to use it. Totally ok with that.
      I did introduce myself to her when we moved in at the beginning of April but that was the first time I’d really talked to her. It was nice.

  3. Ugh. I hate when that happens.
    Shaun Hoobler recently app devMy Profile

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