My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Confessions of an Evil Queen

“Come on mom, can’t we go back to Disneyland? We like our fairy-mother better.”

Oh, ouch.

I guess it is the sad truth. At home, I am the Evil Queen reigning over my kingdom, using my powers to force the four princesses to do my bidding. It’s a daily grind for my little Cinderellas as I enforce my long list of chores such as: cleaning their sleeping chambers, studying piano, sweeping the castle floors, fetching the mail, beating the laundry against rocks, and doing their homework. Under my spells those little girls are also required to eat the gruel I lovingly prepare for them (What? The oldest is only 10; I’m not THAT evil) and milk the old cow in the yard, every day.


Disneyland park


Yes, indeed, as the queen of this land I have little patience, many days, for my subjects. It’s very hard work being the queen trying to keep order over my land. Then one day the princesses gathered to construct a plan to bring peace back to the lands and rid the queen of her evil spells once and for all (hopefully). They worked tirelessly with the king to take the queen to a magical place that would cure her and bring back peace to the kingdom.

I walked through the gates of Disneyland and poof, the evil spell was broken! My dark cloak of stress melted away revealing my new magical powers of a fairy-mother!

If only those powers had come with wings.

As the fairy-mother of my four princesses, I traded chores and homework for rides and giggles and I put down emails and text messaging for family pictures and holding hands. I was given powers to make my girls smile, laugh, and give them memories and photos with Ariel and Belle in real life! I don’t think even the evil queen could pull that off.


My Disney Side


When I have my fairy-mother wand I am kinder and more patient and, despite being exhausted at the end of a long day of walking and riding and laughing, I go to bed with a sigh of pure happiness. Now THAT is magic.

Now that we’re back home in our kingdom, it’s business as usual. The chores have to be done, floors need to be swept, and homework needs doing. But when I feel the evil queen trying to reveal herself, I pull out my fairy wand and remind myself that life with those four little princesses is the best kind of magic, and their laughter is the fairy dust that makes me fly.


  1. Awwww. I just love this and the line, ‘back in our kingdom”.
    Kyla@Mommy’s Weird recently posted..I’m Popular….My Profile

  2. Lisa says:

    Very very lovely. You may be the Queen now, but those princesses will take over one day and you will have trained the well! And you and they will be so glad you did. xo

  3. You put down your cell phone? The sacrifices we make for our kids and they don’t even appreciate it.

    Besos, Sarah
    Sarah at Journeys of The Zoo recently posted..Quick and Easy Valentines Day Crafts for KidsMy Profile

  4. David Ryan says:

    And that makes you a great Queen to your princesses.
    David Ryan recently posted..SnowVigateMy Profile

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