My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Closet Intervention


It’s no secret that I love fashion. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love shopping, especially getting a good deal. It’s also no secret in my circle of friends that I can be critical opinionated gently suggestive when I see they need help.

My friend Lori** asked me to help her do a closet intervention. Her request was 2 parted: 1) purge the closet 2) shop and restock


I live for this stuff! The only thing I LOVE more than buying new clothes for me is buying new clothes for other people (with their money, of course!)!

When I start a closet makeover it’s important to know a few important lifestyle things about the person:

1) What do you do for work? Do you work in an office? Are you the boss? Do you work in a gym? Do you work from home? Do you work for yourself and meet with clients? Are you on your feet all day?

My friend Lori has a job downtown in an office. Her work attire is business but not executive.

2) What do you do in your free time? Do you like to explore wooded trails on the weekends? Do you workout at a gym daily? Do you spend your non working hours driving kids around to dance and music? Do you get together with friends for drinks and dancing? Are you a home body? Do you like to stroll thru the neighbourhood and sit for a coffee?

Lori has 2 school aged kids and spends her time with family and friends or taking the girls to dance and gymnastics.

3) What is your budget? Do you want to buy high end, cutting edge fashion trends that no one else will have? Do you want to spend less money but try to get good quality clothes that will last several seasons? Do you want affordable trends that are easy to change every season ie: throw away?

Lori wanted to invest in good quality clothes that will transition thru several seasons without breaking the bank. She needed foundation pieces to build different looks on. Good clothes are an investment and often times you get what you pay for. Knowing this, we decided that there would be a good range of stores at Chinook Mall.

4) Are you willing to LET GO of the crap in your closet? Aside from your wedding dress, you should have no emotional attachment to your wardrobe. If it doesn’t fit, it goes. If it’s so far out of style you can’t even call it retro, it goes. If it’s something that people half your age are wearing, it GOES!


I love the purge day almost as much as the shopping day…almost. I get to step into the closet, a place that most people, even friends, don’t get go to. We get up close and personal and I get to see all the dirty little secrets she’s hiding in the back rack. That floral ruffled silk blouse from 1998. Oh, I’m gonna find it!

Clothes that were out of date. Worn out. Too young. Pants that were too short, didn’t fit and worst of all Lori said this about a shirt, “I don’t like the way that one feels, it’s too tight in this one spot.” – TOSS IT!


Lori’s purge produced 2 garbage bags full of clothes that went to the donation bin. However I must give her some credit. She had some serious gems in there that she just didn’t know how to wear or what to wear them with. After I toss more than half of a wardrobe the last thing I want to do is leave a person feeling defeated and naked. I put this work-day outfit together from 3 existing pieces in her closet, including this Chanel inspired jacket she already owned. She never thought to put them together before.

How to put together good outfits

I asked Lori to show me something she loved and she picked out this fitted teal blazer that she couldn’t find anything other than a plain black top to wear with it. I put this fun outfit together for a casual Friday look! She was excited to go to work the next day.


Day 2

Phew, she survived the purge and she was still talking to me. That was a good sign and a relief for me. We met at Chinook Mall to replenish and invest in her wardrobe and spent most of our time together at Aritzia. She was a good sport and tried on everything I brought to her fitting room. Some of it I loved and some of it she loved and I’m happy to say that we both loved everything she bought.

In 2.5 hours she bought 1 dress, 1 jean jacket, 1 skirt, 2 pairs of pants, 2 sweaters, 1 statement top and 1 tank top.

We moved on to shoes because lets face it, you can have the most amazing outfit but if you put on bad shoes you might as well wear a garbage bag. Sadly we didn’t have a lot of time left to really cover the shoes and accessories but she did get 2 fabulous pairs of shoes that can go with almost everything she bought. We agreed to set a third date to cover shoes, bags and sunglasses. We finished the night with a cute hat and a toque for cold winter days.

She was excited to show off her new looks and I was excited that she was excited.

Yes, I love shopping. Your money, my money, it doesn’t matter.

Still feeling lost? Don’t sweat it. Even the biggest fahionistas stand in their closets and sigh, “I have nothing to wear!”

Here’s 4 rules when shopping for clothes:

1) Does it fit my body in a flattering way? I may love that cute peplum top but I know that when I put it on I look like my boobs are sitting on my waist and my waist is about 2 inches long. NOT GOOD.

2) How often will I wear it? A busy stay-at-home-mom won’t have many opportunities to wear a Dolce & Gabbana pencil skirt suit so maybe I should spend my money on something I WILL wear.

3) Do I need it? How many skull themed grey shirts does one really need to own? Which brings me to my final and most important tip…

4) 1 item in = 1 item out.  It’s a simple concept, buy something new, purge something out. The new things you buy become your faves and the olders stuff falls farther out of rotation. Put it out of it’s misery and make room in your closet for fresh new things. You’re not gonna wear that old stuff anyway.

Still lost in your closet? What are your biggest fashion questions?


**Yes, Lori is her real name but due to her super hero work by night she asked that her face and true identity be protected.


  1. Elise Craig says:

    I need to do a closet purge. What would you say are the staple items every girl needs in their closet? Also, where is your favorite “budget friendly” place to shop?

  2. Vickie says:

    If only you were in Vancouver and I had some money 😉

    I am a disaster! One day…..

  3. Pennie says:

    I agree with Elsie. What is your favorite budget friendly place to shop? What are you top 8 wardrobe pieces for everyday cuteness.

  4. Me too. I badly need a closet intervention.
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