My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Alone Time

Last week I was in Toronto for a huge blogging conference (which I highly reccommend doing if you have a blog) and I found myself alone in a city I don’t know for the first time, I think ever in my life. I was never one of those adventurous types that graduated school and then grabbed my back pack and ran for the airport to explore interesting parts of the world. I’ve traveled, yes, but alone? No. Until now. I arrived in Toronto 2 days prior to the conference starting so that I could jump in a Chevrolet Malibu and explore the city. I hadn’t really thought about the fact that I was going to be alone doing it.


My first stop after I picked up the car was the hotel which is in Mississauga, just outside of Toronto. The dude at the dealership told me detailed turn by turn instructions but really, I’m lucky if I remember peoples names 30 seconds after they tell me, how was I going to remember turn by turn directions to another place? That I’ve never been? Well once again technology saved the day. Thankfully the car was equipped with My Link navigation that was just as good as having my husband with me to tell me where to go, accept the nav system actually said “please” when it wanted me to turn!


I found the local mall and Superstore and downtown. I listened to the radio, rolled the windows down to feel the breeze and enjoyed the open road. Being alone (aside from my new navigation voice friend) took some time to get used to. I live in a house with 5 other people. I talk to teachers, doctors, friends and family daily which gets a little overstimulating at times. I enjoyed being alone. The silence. The flexibility. I discovered that I enjoyed being alone. A LOT! No one to worry about. No one whining because they’re hungry or tired or have to pee.


After a full day of shopping on day 2 at the Premium Outlet, my friends started arriving and I was happy to have someone to talk to and eat with. But I know that the next time I find myself alone in a strange city, I can get a table in a cafe or go for a walk around a museum by myself and I will be just fine…alone.



  1. Aras Androck says:

    I love travelling alone. Traveling with a group is fun. But there’s something relaxing about being alone in a foreign place.
    Aras Androck recently posted..http://www.couponhuntr.comMy Profile

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