My Dirt
whipped shortbread

A Tea Party For Me?

I know I’ve said it before but I feel like it needs to be said again, I have the best, most supportive group of friends, hands down. I have felt more love in the past few months with messages, texts, visits, prayers, positive energy, hugs, rides, flowers, meals, gifts of kindness, gifts of being present,  shoulders and tissues and finally a tea party for me?!

What did she say?

Yes, I said tea party.


a tea party for me


My bad ass friends pulled together a lovely, civilized tea party complete with flowers, cake, 4 kinds of tea and of course, my favourite, fancy but flat H2O (infused with fruit but no bubbles for me, please) to celebrate me f*cking cancer once again (ha, move along cancer, you have no place here). It was the perfect mix of fancy and edgy, just like me 🙂


a tea party for me


As uncomfortable as it is for me to be the centre of attention (shut up, it’s true) I did take a moment to look around the room and feel so humbled and truly rich beyond my wildest dreams to have a group as eclectic as they all are, who would have been willing and able to insert me into their busy lives should I have needed a ride to chemo or a meal dropped off, or child care, or just about anything, yet here we all were, simply sipping tea and having a laugh with no where to go except home or to school for pick up at the end of the day. Either way, I know any one of them would simply show up on a good day or a bad day. I was able to give them all hugs of thanks in celebration that I don’t have cancer instead of what could have been quite the opposite.

The force is with me, for that I am certain.


a tea party for me


I feel that there is no adequate way to show my eternal gratitude for all the generosity and kindness I have been shown by so many so I will simply dedicate this post to all who were present not just at the tea party but thru all of the shit, all who thought of me, all who showed me what it’s like to be cared for, all who brought comfort to my doorstep, all who filled my belly, all who filled my heart, all who respected my space, all who invaded it,

and all who showed up.


Thank you!

I love you all.

Here’s to your health.



  1. Fancy & edgy. Perfection.

    Looks like you are surrounded by the best Tiff – just like you.

    Sarah Robinson recently posted..An ode to le chapeauMy Profile

  2. Super sweet. Nice friends you have. Lucky Lady!
    Kyla@Mommy’s Weird recently posted..Jazzy Wings…My Profile

  3. Tara says:

    So happy you could give cancer the middle finger. You deserve it. The best to you all In amazing 2015! Thanks for having me. I’m there for you whenever you need me and even the times you don’t 🙂

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