My Dirt
whipped shortbread

10 Things My Kids Will Never Do

As my birthday draws closer and I turn another year older I found myself thinking back to what life was like when I was the age my children are now. I long for them to experience the freedom of coming home when the street lights come on while I’m glad that they won’t have to endure the hardship of walking ALL THE WAY to the car to start it in the winter.


10 things my kids will never do. 

1. Wait all week for Saturday morning cartoons. (Damn you Treehouse and YTV.)

2. Knock on the neighbours doors looking for kids to play with. (No soliciting.)

3. Know the guy who owns the corner store by name and him yours. (Don’t talk to strangers kids.)

4. Feel the itch of chicken pox. (Not to worry, you can get scars in so many other ways.)

5. Send a letter to a pen pal in another country. (Do they even teach kids how to write letters anymore?)

6. Buy an entire album at the record store for just 1 song. (Instead they will buy each of the 30 songs on iTunes for $1.29, on my credit card.)

7. Fine tune their favourite radio station in the car. (There no such thing as static anymore, how will the aliens communicate with us?)

8. Rewind a rented movie before returning it. (Or giggle at the creepy old men sneaking into the X rated section behind the swinging saloon doors.)

9. Wait till they get home to call someone. (There’s no where to hide, they will reach you ANYTIME!)

10. Look up a fact in an encyclopedia. (So what if 90% of the information on the internet is made up by some guy in his mom’s basement, you’ll ace that test.)





  1. Amy says:

    true –sigh –except… I refuse to accept #10.
    Amy recently posted..I’m having a baby….My Profile

  2. Kim McD says:

    I miss Saturday morning cartoons! And encyclopedia’s, OMG,what even happened to all of those?!
    Kim McD recently posted..Weekend GetawayMy Profile

  3. Lisa says:

    What about tying shoe laces. I heard on the radio today that there is a “course” you can send your kids to to learn how to actually tie a shoe lace because with all the velcro and slip-on shoes now it’s becoming an art form! I thought that was kind of funny. I could give that course – I still know how!

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