My Dirt
whipped shortbread

1 Year Later

Life has an interesting way of showing you what’s what. I’m gonna be honest with you, I’m struggling. Now, I could list off all the reasons that the last year has been challenging or even battering for our family but that’s not who I am. For me to sit here and list off all the things that have made my life stressful in the past year would only give those negativities further permission to exist in my life. Yes, we’ve had to make some hard decisions. Yes, we’ve been struggling in different areas of our lives. Yes, I’ve been losing sleep while I ponder the unknown.(not a good use of time, by the way)

If you look around at your friends, family and neighbours you’ll realize you’re not alone. Who hasn’t been struggling in some way? Everywhere you look there’s sickness, failed marriages, bankruptcies, job loss, death. Nobody’s life is free from some form of hardship. Such is life I suppose.

So? What happens 1 year later? The stress is still hovering. The nights are still sleepless…until one night I looked at my calendar and realized that it is February! Oh-my-god, how did I miss it? In the midst of a pity party how did I not notice that February 1st marks my official 1 YEAR CANCER FREE anniversary? Hey, when was the last time I actually thought about cancer at all?

Let me tell you, I slept great that night.

That night I realized that no matter how shitty the shit might be in the shit storm around me, nothing else really matters if I’m HERE, 1 year from the last PET scan showed no signs of cancer after treatment ended.

I’m alive.

I’m healthy.

I’m cancer free.

The rest of it doesn’t matter. It just doesn’t.

Perspective is everything.


  1. pennie says:

    Greatness tiffany. Celebrations are in order. Even if you just put pearls over your pjammas.

  2. Momma K says:

    YeeHaw! One year “C” free and I know that you make every day count, that’s just who you are. Love, Pride, Joy. xox

  3. Tara Page says:

    Awesome Tiffany! So happy you are healthy. You are right, we all get wound up in our ‘little lives of chaos’, but really, the big picture is that we are all here to have another day to fight the fight :> Let me know if you want a visit, would love to see you and Lexi would love to play with your girls!

    • Tiffany says:

      Thank you Tara. Knowing that you know the true value of health makes us mother warriors. Fight the fight!

  4. Mike says:

    First I wanna say that is awesome news that you are cancer free and in remission. I could NEVER comment on what its like to go through what you do. I do believe that the only people that really can are survivors like you. I have many times thought how I would react if I went to my doctor for a check up and he gave me the news that I had the BAD “C” word. You are a hero and inspiration to others like you that NEED the strenghth and will to live. Good on you Tiffany.

    • Tiffany says:

      Thank you Mike! It’s a journey I never imagined I would be on but I’m so thankful for the new perspective I have on life. Your words are kind and I appreciate it.

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