My Dirt
whipped shortbread

I Miss My Garbage Man


    We moved to the country 7 months ago. It was, without a doubt, the best thing we’ve done for our family with all the space, the trees, the view, it’s soul filling. However much we’ve gained for doing the big move, we’ve also had to give up some of the comfort and conveniences of city living. Being able … Continue reading

Worlds Easiest Thanksgiving Pie Recipe

The worlds easiest thanksgiving pie recipe

Would I lie to you? The answer is, no, I would not. It’s 5 days away from Thanksgiving and if you’re anything like me, you’re not prepared because you’ve been otherwise constantly distracted and because well, you’re sometimes lazy. Join the team!     I’m here with a gift from me to you, the worlds easiest Thanksgiving pie recipe. If … Continue reading

Worst Date Night Ever

worst date night ever

I need to take this moment to share a #momfail with you. Oy. So remember when I was all happy with myself because I tricked, oh, I mean, made a deal with my tweens that if they read the book first, they could watch the movie after? Yeah so this is what went down last weekend on our worst date … Continue reading

3 Tips for Periscope at a Conference

3 tips for periscope

Hello Replay Viewers!!! Welcome to my scope!     That’s what you’ll usually hear me say when you watch one of my 120+ broadcasts on Periscope. I am fully immersed and loving the now 6 month old app. Periscope was purchased by Twitter for somewhere in the neighbourhood of 100 million dollars and launched on March 26, 2015. In 6 … Continue reading

My First McDonalds Burger In 20 Years

my first mcdonalds burger in 20 years

Shocking right?! It’s true. I haven’t eaten much of any fast food in 2 decades but I recently found myself face to face with my first McDonalds burger in 20 years! I must have been hungry when the invite came in and I thought, sure, why not. I’ll give McDonald’s a try and see how much has changed since 1995! … Continue reading

How I Get My Tweens To Read

How i get my tweens to read

    We are in a big transition right now with our girls. I have 2 tweens, gulp, who are itching to move away from cartoon movies about princesses and forest animals and start watching more “grown up” movies like Goonies and The Hunger Games. To be perfectly honest, it’s a welcome stage for me because as much as I … Continue reading

Tattoo Tuesday: Watercolour

tattoo tuesday watercolour

Woo hoo, it’s another edition of Tattoo Tuesday: Watercolours! First off, let me make something clear, I would never get a tattoo just to be trendy but I have to admit that when water colour tattoos started becoming popular, I was immediately drawn to the beauty and softness of the style. How lucky for me to find an artist right … Continue reading

How To Pick A Blogging Conference

How to pick a blogging conference

    I started blogging 4 years ago. I immediately wanted to learn everything I could. I had idea where to start. Ummm, I didn’t even know what Google Analytics were. (True story) I, eventually discovered (thru Twitter) that conferences were the best and fastest way to get all the training, exchanging of information and community building that I was … Continue reading

5 Tips For Camping With Tweens

5 tips for camping with tweens

    We seem to have suddenly found ourselves smack dab in the middle of tween-ville with a 12 year old and now a 10 year old. Gone are the days where a bucket full of dolls and toys was enough to keep them busy indoors or out; we’re now challenged with letting our 2 older daughters stretch their legs … Continue reading

Build My Dream Car – A Challenge For Auto Companies

1985 honda prelude

If you know me well, you know that I love cars and I love driving. It doesn’t matter what make or model; cars to trucks to SUV’s to sports cars, I like them all. Each one gives a different experience and each one solves a different problem. I’ve been obsessing over what will be fit our family. Who will build … Continue reading

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